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[defacto2 -news] Defacto2 Celebrates 10 Years!
Defacto2 Celebrates 10 Years!
posted on: Sun, 23 Apr 2006 10:50:00 GMT
Happy birthday to us, happy birthday to us, happy birthday dear Defacto, happy birthday day to us!
Well today Defacto2 celebrates it's 10th anniversary. It was ten years ago on this day that we publically released our first production, an oldschool DOS diskmag that covered the old PC pirate scene back when CD-RIP's were king.
Times have changed, and so have we. But we are still alive and kicking, giving you the great site you see today.
We would like to thank everyone who has helped out over the years and to the former members who have contributed to our many projects over the years. Including two magazines, an art group and a scene blog (before blogs were fashionable).
Here is to another 10 years!
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