ne guzel olmus history..
- "therefore they started to focus on Commodore" degil "therefore they decided to focus on Commodore" olsa daha iyi olur.
- "turbo was very straight and direct to move and asked him to join da group." olmasa da "turbo was straight forward to move and asked him to join da group." olsa daha iyi olur.
- "set copper etc... from this source." degil "set copper etc... from this code."
- "started to code with assembler language." burda "code with"'in "cope with" gibi bi havasi var, rephrase etmek lazim ama edemedim.
- commodore dergisi derken parantez acip ne oldugunu yazsak. (ben hep "commodore dergi" diyorum ona)
daha cok hata var ama ben yoruldum. okuyorum onun yerine