Yesterday evening I took the time to go to the C64 Orchestra'spremiere. This orchestra played only C64 songs by Jeroen Tel (knownfor songs like Last Ninja 3, Cybernoid, Hawkeye, Myth) and by RobHubbard (known for songs like Monty on the Run, International Karate,Warhawk, etc). Both guys are legends in the C64 scene; and now theirsongs where played by an orchestra, both guys where there. Jeroen Televen did a 'dj-set' in the afterparty, after that Bastian (check : ,make sure you do), andthen there was some guy called Goto80, which was to say the least"interresting".As to be expected there where alot of C64 sceners present, and one ofthe designers of my clients is one of them, he took the time tointroduce to some of the members of MoN, Blackmail and Focus.Now the interresting part comes; he offered to introduce us to some ofthe emu / c64 circle of his friends; some of which have build SIDemu's, but also masters of the VIC chip. Now the questions is, whatinfo do we really need at the moment ?As I see it with the SID emulation; we'll need to bug fix theaudiocore, get the filters to work, and see what's up with multispeedsongs. To do that we'll need better CIA chip emulation ? Further morewe might want some help on the VIC front ?
ilk denemeler:, aklınıza sonradan gelip ufk bir basic program yazmayı da deneyebilirsiniz hani... siz bilirsiniz.